Realidad Económica
Realidad Económica is a journal dedicated to exploring and disseminate economic, political, social and cultural quiestions, under an heterodox approach from social sciences, in national, regional and international levels. It supports a line of thought with a commitment to the autonomous economic development of Argentina, Latin America and the Carebeean and to the defence of human rights.
The contents are comprehensive and includes economic theory, political economy, State and society; financial, agricultural, industrial, energetic, educational sectors; regional economies; administrative matters, international trade, public policies, urban issues, social actors, discussions, contributions, experiences and debates; book reviews.
It is addressed to professionals, enterpreneurs, leaders, cooperativists, researchers, students and workers.
It has been published since 1971 and has a print run of 5.000 copies each 45 days.
It is indexed in Latindex Catalogue (Level 1)